Las Camaleona y la Pámpara. Una historia sobre ruedas.
Within the framework of the special courses celebrating the 20th anniversary of ACT, the 3rd and 4th year students, guided by Fernando Montoya, have worked on the creation and new dramaturgies in BAI Eskola. The work they present is the result of this process: a story built from text and music, and the images they generate; with classical elements such as the Greek chorus and contemporary, such as the chosen language.
This is the story of the Camaleona and the Pámpara, a divertimento that is acted on fragments of 16 songs. We hope you enjoy it.
Company: BAI Eskolako 3. eta 4. mailako ikasleak
Duration: 20’
Language: Without text
Category: Theatre
Origin: Basque Country
Cast: Dramaturgy, Direction: Fernando Montoya; Interpretation: Yaricsa Ampudia, Alazne Andrés, Daniela Becerra, Haizea Beltrán, Enara Dominguez, Jon Ander Fernández, Patricia Higuera, Natalie Le Du, María López, Yan Pinto, Maialen Torre, Aritz Udaondo, Sara del Valle, Markel Vázquez.