Liov_Diego Sinniger | Projecte 92_Las huecas | Palma_Cie Caminante | We've Got Each Other_Paul O'Donnell
‘WRECK-List of extinct species’, Leviatán, capitalismo o un monstruo legendario
‘WRECK- List of extinct species’
Insiemi Irreali. Belgium. 30′
WRECK – Desagerturiko espezieen zerrenda diziplina arteko performancea da, mugimendua, hotsak eta arte bisualak uztartzen dituena.
Una enorme bolsa de plástico como una escultura suave, llena de aire, se mueve en el espacio. Como un cazador.
WRECK-List of extinct species is an interdisciplinary performance mixing movement, sound and visual art. A huge black plastic soft sculpture inflated of air moves in the space. As a hunter. This object could be considered as an allegory of Leviathans or of undersea legendary monsters, or a metaphor of Capitalism, human conditions, etc.
‘We’ve got each other’, ¡el musical de Bon Jovi!
Paul O’Donnell. United Kingdom. 30′
With the modern jukebox musical traditionally comes a multi-talented cast, a live band (or orchestra if you are lucky), opulent sets and decadent costumes, extravagant dance routines, dramatic key changes and the odd hydraulic lift or two.
‘Projecte 92’, repaso a la Barcelona de las Olimpiadas con Las Huecas
Las Huecas. Catalunya. 30′
¿En qué medida la efeméride olímpica de Barcelona tiene relación con los proyectos de futuro y los discursos que, de pequeñas, significaban vuestras vidas?
What links are there between the body of a girl born in the year 92 and the instrumentalization of an entire city?
Haurtzaroari buruzko lana da hau, atzera begirada bat, bizi dugun hirian kokatzen gaituena umore onez, nostalgiaz zein punk ukituaz.
‘Liov’, bizirik atera vs. ganoraz bizi
Diego Sinniger. Catalunya. 15′
LIOVen, aldi berean bat eta jende oro diren bi pertsonaiek aurre egiten diote elkarri oholtzan, alde banatako desioen arteko gatazkak bultzatuta: bizirik atera vs. ganoraz bizi. Haietako batek hartua du erabakia, bere zauri eta beldurren aurka matxinatuko da, borrokan arituko da, buruz buru, soinean daraman maskararekin, horren pisua dagoeneko jasanezina bihurtu baita.
In LIOV, two characters are also just one and everyone –they face themselves on the stage, pushed by a conflict between their opposite wishes: survive vs. live good. One of them decides to rebel against his own wounds and fears: he faces a duel against his own mask, whose weight is unbearable.
‘Palma’, carne y sonido, de Cie. Caminante
Cie Caminante. Madrid / Belgium. 15′
Palma puede ser un golpe a otra palma, desembocadura de alegría o canal para traer a la luz un dolor que quiere voz.
Palma can be a clap to another palm, mouth of joy or channel to put into the light pain that wants voice.
Palma izan daiteke esku-ahurrek elkar jotzea, baita poztasunaren irtenbide ere, edo ahots beharrean dagoen mina azaleratzeko baliabide.